Thursday, July 16, 2015

Doodle in the park

Went to the park yesterday with my Starbucks water, cause I'm cheap, y'know. Did a thumbnail of a temple. Did not start out as a temple...

Friday, July 3, 2015

Seige of Abbadon

My process for Siege of Abbadon. It's about a solitary soldier coming to the defense of a city under attack by a giant man-eating robot mecha thing. It was fun to make. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I've been looking through quite a bit of tutorials and workshops when I'm not busy working on client projects. I saw a tutorial on using Keyshot to help with quick sketches, so I tried it out. At the moment I'm working on two armor turnarounds on the same canvas (both show front and back.) I'm making an honest attempt to not get too carried away with rendering it all out, I want it as detailed as I feel I can get it. This image is from last week. I use it as a warm-up before I actually work on my client projects, which I'll post once I get permission.  I'll post what I have from last night up here in a few hours.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Darth Vader Redesign

Participated in Brainstorm Challenge number 17 on facebook this morning. A redesign of Darth Vader. This was fun! Gonna have to do lots more of those.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

FEZ fanart WIP

I've been playing alot of FEZ lately, as a reference to a project I'm working on. I decided to take a break and draw a little bit. Was curious as to how some FEZ fan art would come out. Definitely thinking of pushing this one some more. Didn't take any more than a few minutes to do this.